Wireless Assessments

Wireless Assessments

Wireless assessments are crucial for ensuring the security of your wireless network and preventing potential cyber attacks. At our company, we provide comprehensive wireless assessment services that evaluate the security posture of your wireless network, from vulnerabilities to potential exploits. Our methodology includes a wireless site survey, analysis of encryption, authentication, and access control measures, and real-world attack simulations.

One of the most significant risks associated with wireless networks is lateral movement. Attackers can leverage the wireless network to move laterally within the network, gaining access to additional resources and sensitive data. This is why our wireless assessment methodology includes an analysis of access control measures and encryption to ensure that your network is protected against lateral movement attacks.

Our team of experienced security professionals uses specialized tools such as Aircrack-ng, Kismet, and Wireshark for wireless site surveys, as well as Nmap and Metasploit for simulating real-world attacks to test the wireless network's defenses against potential exploits. By identifying and addressing security weaknesses, we can help reduce the risk of data breaches, theft, and other security incidents that could negatively impact your organization's reputation and financial stability.

Don't wait until a cyber attack or security incident occurs to take action. Our wireless assessment services can help you proactively identify potential security risks and ensure the overall security of your wireless network. Contact us today to learn more about our wireless assessment services and how we can help you protect your organization against the risk of lateral movement attacks.